Khaury was born in New York and grew up in an old apartment building in Washington Heights in Manhattan. When he was five years old his father brought home a wind up gramophone and a 78 rpm record that featured a 1905 recording of Henry Burr singing “Beautiful Ohio”. Young Khaury immersed himself in the music of the past, listening for hours in his room to Burr, Rudy Vallee, Al Jolson, Irving Kaufman, Billy Murray, Ada Jones, Byron G. Harlan, and Bing Crosby.
Throughout the 1950s and early 1960s, Tiny Tim developed something of a cult following. In the 1960s he was seen regularly near the Harvard University campus as a street performer, singing old Tin Pan Alley tunes. His choice of repertoire and his encyclopedic knowledge of vintage popular music impressed many of the spectators. One admirer, Norman Kay, recalled that his outrageous public persona was a false front belying a quiet, studious personality: “Herb Khaury was the greatest put-on artist in the world. Here he was with the long hair and the cheap suit and the high voice, but when you spoke to him he talked like a college professor. He knew everything about the old songs.”
Between 1962 and 1966 Tiny Tim recorded a number of songs at small recording companies, with several of them being made as acetate discs and one actually released as a 45 record.
By the time of this appearance, he had a recording contract with Reprise Records. He made a name for himself as a novelty performer, guesting with Johnny Carson, Ed Sullivan, and Jackie Gleason. At the height of his career, he was commanding a weekly salary of $50,000 in Las Vegas, Nevada. “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” became Tiny Tim’s signature song. He sang it in homage to its originator, singer-guitarist Nick Lucas. He invited Lucas to sing at his wedding in 1969.
In 1968, his first album, God Bless Tiny Tim, was released. It contained an orchestrated version of “Tiptoe Through the Tulips”, which became a hit after being released as a single. The other songs displayed his wide-ranging knowledge of the American songbook, and also allowed him to demonstrate his baritone voice, which was less often heard than his falsetto.
In the modern era, younger fans of Tiny Tim fondly remember his iconic “Living In The Sunlight” scene from the very first episode of cartoon titan Spongebob.
Even in the comments of the scene’s video on Youtube, you find plenty of people wishing Tiny Tim to Rest In Peace, and many people who grew up with Spongebob can’t help but associate it with Tiny Tim. After all, it’s a bit hard to forget something like his distinctive falsetto voice set to a sea of hungry fish being fed in a ridiculous manner! But even without that accompaniment, Tiny Tim is fondly remembered as an entertainer, leaving a lasting legacy for his many songs, appearances, and his showmanship. The manner in which he performed was a sight to see, and many modern day entertainers look back to his legacy for inspiration: he stood out in the best way, like nobody else could.
Tiny Tim is a Street of Dreams and Blue Pie Records USA artist. Tiny Tim is published by Street of Dreams and Blue Pie Publishing USA (ASCAP) for selected titles.